Emotional Intelligence In Leadership: Why It Matters More Than Ever

Hey, I’m Jade Black, a business leadership coach dedicated to entrepreneurial leadership and psychological growth. In today’s blog post, I’m talking all things Emotional intelligence in leadership. Let’s dive in!

Why Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Matters More Than Ever for Leaders and Entrepreneurs

Being in a position of power (a manager, a CEO, an entrepreneur) requires more than knowledge, strategy, or cutting-edge tactics. One of the most crucial traits for long-term success is emotional intelligence in leadership. However, many entrepreneurs misunderstand what it means to be emotionally intelligent. Let’s dig deeper into what emotional intelligence truly involves and how it plays a vital role in building a sustainable business. Before we dive into what emotional intelligence is, let’s address some common misconceptions.

Being Nice Isn’t Enough:

Many people think that being emotionally intelligent means always being nice. However, emotional intelligence in leadership doesn’t mean avoiding conflict or pleasing everyone. It’s about knowing when to stand firm and how to handle difficult conversations with care and empathy.

Not Just About Suppressing Emotions:

Another misconception is that emotionally intelligent people always hide their feelings. Suppressing emotions is not the goal. True emotional intelligence involves understanding emotions and knowing when and how to express them in a way that benefits everyone.

Emotional Intelligence Doesn’t Mean Always Being Calm:

People who are emotionally intelligent also experience stress, anger, and frustration. They don’t eliminate these emotions; they know how to manage them constructively. This helps them stay focused on solutions instead of being overwhelmed by problems.

It’s Not a Fixed Trait:

Unlike IQ, emotional intelligence is not fixed. It’s something you can develop over time with intention and practice.

Not Just Empathy:

While empathy is an important part of emotional intelligence, it is not the only aspect. Understanding your own emotions, regulating them, and handling relationships effectively are just as important.

Emotional Intelligence Doesn’t Mean Ignoring Your Own Needs:

Lastly, emotional intelligence doesn’t require that you always put others first. It’s about finding balance, understanding when to focus on your own emotional needs, and when to prioritise others.

What Emotional Intelligence In Leadership Truly Means

Emotional intelligence in leadership

At the core of emotional intelligence is self-awareness. This means being deeply in tune with your emotions, recognising how they influence your behaviour, and understanding their impact on your decision-making process. Entrepreneurs who are self-aware can recognise their strengths and limitations. They understand how their emotional states might affect their teams, clients, and the overall business environment.

Self-awareness allows leaders to manage their emotions proactively, avoiding situations where stress or frustration might cloud their judgement. This means better decision-making, clearer leadership, and a more positive business culture. Entrepreneurs with high self-awareness are also more likely to recognise when they need help or when to delegate tasks that fall outside their expertise.


Self-regulation is about managing your emotional reactions in difficult situations. Entrepreneurs face high-stress environments where emotional outbursts could harm relationships with clients or team members. Emotionally intelligent leaders know how to step back, assess a situation, and respond thoughtfully instead of reacting impulsively.

Self-regulation doesn’t mean bottling up your emotions. It means taking the time to process them and choosing how to act. Entrepreneurs who regulate their emotions create a stable and consistent atmosphere for their teams, which helps in building trust and credibility.

Motivation Beyond External Rewards

Emotionally intelligent entrepreneurs are driven by more than just money or recognition. They have a strong internal motivation to succeed, even when faced with adversity. This type of motivation is vital for sustaining long-term success because entrepreneurship is rarely a smooth ride.

Entrepreneurs who possess high emotional intelligence in leadership are able to stay focused and driven, even when external rewards are scarce. Their motivation is fuelled by personal growth, learning, and the desire to overcome challenges.


Empathy is the ability to understand and connect with others’ emotions. For entrepreneurs, empathy is crucial in building strong relationships with clients and teams. When you understand the emotions and perspectives of others, you can create solutions that meet their needs more effectively.

Empathy in leadership is not just about being nice or agreeable. It’s about understanding what others are going through and offering solutions or support that align with their needs. Entrepreneurs who lead with empathy tend to foster stronger, more loyal relationships, whether with customers or employees.

Adaptability in Leadership

No entrepreneur can control every situation. Markets change, client needs evolve, and business environments shift constantly. Adaptability is key for any leader, and emotionally intelligent entrepreneurs are particularly adept at this skill.

Emotionally intelligent leaders embrace change, viewing it as an opportunity rather than a threat. Instead of getting stuck or frustrated when plans fall apart, they pivot quickly and find new solutions. This ability to adapt is critical for maintaining a competitive edge in the business world.

Positive Influence on Teams and Clients

Great leaders inspire and influence those around them. Emotionally intelligent entrepreneurs know how to influence their teams and clients positively. They lead by example, fostering an environment of collaboration, creativity, and commitment. Through empathy, self-regulation, and motivation, these leaders inspire those around them to perform at their best.

Positive influence is not about control; it’s about creating an environment where others feel empowered and motivated to contribute their best work.

Effective Conflict Resolution

In business, conflicts are inevitable. Whether it’s a disagreement with a client or tension between team members, emotionally intelligent leaders know how to navigate these situations constructively.

By keeping their emotions in check and focusing on the problem rather than the people, they are able to mediate conflicts and find solutions that work for everyone involved. This skill is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and ensuring the smooth operation of the business.

Self-Reflection for Continuous Improvement

Emotionally intelligent entrepreneurs engage in regular self-reflection. They take the time to evaluate their decisions, behaviours, and outcomes to identify areas for improvement. This habit of self-reflection allows them to learn from both their successes and their failures.

Self-reflection also helps leaders recognise when they are acting based on emotion rather than logic. By taking the time to think critically about their actions, emotionally intelligent entrepreneurs can continuously improve their leadership style and decision-making processes.

Compassionate Leadership

Compassionate leadership is about more than just being kind. It involves understanding and valuing the emotional experiences of others. Entrepreneurs who lead with compassion create a work environment where people feel respected, heard, and valued.

In online businesses, where much of the interaction is virtual, compassion helps bridge the gap created by physical distance. By making an effort to connect with team members and clients on a human level, compassionate leaders build stronger, more engaged teams.



So Why Does Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Matter? 


The importance of emotional intelligence in leadership cannot be overstated. In today’s business world, success isn’t just about knowing the right strategies or having the best products. It’s about understanding people—your team, your clients, and even yourself. Entrepreneurs who lead with emotional intelligence are able to build stronger relationships, foster trust, and navigate the complexities of business with grace.

Emotional intelligence in leadership helps entrepreneurs manage their own emotions while also understanding and responding to the emotions of others. This leads to better decision-making, stronger communication, and a more positive work environment.


Conclusion: Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Thrive. Success in entrepreneurship isn’t just about what you know. It’s about how you handle your emotions and those of the people around you. Emotionally intelligent leaders don’t just survive in business; they thrive. They build companies that are not only profitable but impactful.

If you want to elevate your leadership and grow your business, emotional intelligence is the key. It allows you to adapt, inspire, and lead with compassion, ensuring long-term success and fulfilment.

And that’s a wrap! I hope this article was valuable to you. For more empowering content, psychological insights, and personal growth strategies, you can find me over on Instagram and continue your leadership and personal transformation. Click here and come say hi, @expandwithjade 

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